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Maritime Accidents and Injuries

While working in the maritime industry can be exciting and lucrative, it can also be highly dangerous. If you’ve been injured on the job, you have rights and options.
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Jones Act

The Jones Act, also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, protects U.S. maritime workers in the event of injury or illness while on the job. For compensation, maritime workers must meet the the guidelines that qualifies them as seamen.

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Death on the High Seas Act

The Death on the High Seas Act ( DOHSA) provides compensation for the spouse, children and/or other financially- dependent relatives of a maritime worker whose death was “caused by wrongful act, neglect or default occurring on the high seas beyond a marine league (3 miles) from the shore of any state.”

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Maintenance and Cure

A qualified maritime worker who’s injured or becomes ill on the job is eligible to receive maintenance and cure benefits. While maintenance provides room and board expenses during recovery, cure provides the necessary medical expenses to help the maritime worker recover as fully as possible.

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Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act

The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, or LHWCA, is a federal workers’ compensation act that covers longshoremen, harbor workers, and most other people who don’t meet the qualifications to be considered a seaman.

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Questions? We’re Here to Help

What Are Your Maritime Rights?

When injured on the job, maritime workers have certain rights they’re entitled to, which generally includes compensation for medical expenses and living expenses.

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Who Qualifies for the Jones Act?

Eligible seamen qualify for the Jones Act, meaning maritime workers who spend the majority of their work time aboard a seaworthy vessel, contributing to the function that helps with the vessel’s mission.

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If you or a loved one was injured in a maritime accident we’re standing by to answer your questions and give you needed support.

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Maritime Injury Blog

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